PostgreSQL – Missing chunk 0 for toast value in pg_toast

PostgreSQL – Missing chunk 0 for toast value in pg_toast


  • Please do read this link before doing anything below
  • Remember to perform a full backup before continuing with the steps below

What to do when you see similar errors in your pg_log?

STATEMENT:  SELECT id, authz_id, org_id, name, environment, last_updated_by, created_at, updated_at, serialized_object FROM nodes WHERE (org_id = $1 AND name = $2) LIMIT 1
ERROR:  unexpected chunk number 1 (expected 0) for toast value 5268264 in pg_toast_16444
STATEMENT:  SELECT id, authz_id, org_id, name, environment, last_updated_by, created_at, updated_at, serialized_object FROM nodes WHERE (org_id = $1 AND name = $2) LIMIT 1
ERROR:  missing chunk number 4 for toast value 5268263 in pg_toast_16444

The error above are associated with data corruption in your TOAST tables. These were the steps I took to resolve the issue. Firstly, identify the table with issues.

select pg_toast_16444::regclass;

Now we know that the TOAST table having issue is associated with nodes tables (I know it’s pretty obvious in the logs!).

Step 1: Reindex the table

REINDEX table pg_toast.pg_toast_16444;
REINDEX table nodes;

Step 2: Vacuum and analyze the table


Step 3: If it doesn’t work, identify the corrupted rows and delete them (This will incur data loss!).

for ((i=0; i<"Number_of_rows_in_nodes"; i++ )); do psql -U "Username" "Database Name" -c "SELECT * FROM nodes LIMIT 1 offset $i" >/dev/null || echo $i; done

Step 3a: The mini script above will list the rows which are having data corruption. In this case, row 11.

ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for toast value 5268251 in pg_toast_16444

Step 3b: Select the primary key of row 11.

psql> select id from nodes limit 1 offset 11;

(1 row)

Step 3c: Delete that row

psql> delete from nodes where id ='00000000000068f26b60aa5ef533cc85'

Step 4: Verify if issue has been resolved (No error mesages)

psql> VACUUM FULL nodes;

Wei Shan

12 thoughts on “PostgreSQL – Missing chunk 0 for toast value in pg_toast”

  1. for ((i=0; i/dev/null || echo $i; done

    command is not working for me

    for ((i=0; i/dev/null || echo $i;
    ERROR: syntax error at or near “done”
    LINE 1: done

  2. Please, PLEASE link to and tell people to make a copy of their damaged DB *before* attempting this!

    Also, they should prefer to restore from a backup rather than try to fix it, if possible.

    It’s important to determine why this happened. It’s not normal PostgreSQL behaviour and indicates some form of corruption. Don’t just carry on blindly hoping everything will be OK from now on. If you can see some corruption, there’s usually other corruption you cannot see, and you might have hardware/memory issues etc too.

    1. Hi ringerc,

      You are absolutely right. I should warn people about backing up before doing anything 🙂

      Just updated the post with the links and warnings.

  3. Dumb question but how do i turn this into a workable script on centos 7?
    for ((i=0; i/dev/null || echo $i; done

  4. Hello, I ran the following command:
    for ((i=0; i/dev/null || echo $i; done
    but received no values. I can run a select * from table1 limit X and eventually find the bad record (Very time consuming). I’m not sure if I’m missing something here. it would also be really valuable to log each current record offset # to a file (I could then tail the file to see where I’m at). I then followed the same steps to delete the problematic row. I’m also unable to perform a backup using pdump as it crashes out during the process.

  5. Hello, i have 1 628 991 rows in brocken table… How can i speed up the 3th step?

    Currently i am trying this solution:
    for ((i=0; i/dev/null || echo $i; done

    But i do not this that tis is an optimal way…

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